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Listening at 1:00 am

The order in which I have reworked this 12 step series has not been logical. 

God is directing me in this work. I don’t know the finish line, but He does. God is making solutions known to me in the order that I need them. The images come, only when I am ready for them. 

For example last night I had been trying for two days to understand what was needed for the composition of Step Four. I wasted so much time painting and destroying several birds that did not work. It was only when I stopped and listened – humbly, that He suggested two different images for Step Four and Step Ten. 

The suggestion was, swap the panels and trade the images for Step Four with Step Ten. With this insight new compositions came to me – after several days of painting, searching, and repainting – finally peace. 

Through this spiritual art partnership God can make glorious art happen through me – if I am listening. 

At 1:00 am last night I was finally listening. 

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Disappointment and Perspective

My therapist asked me, “Is it that you can’t or that you feel overwhelmed?” 

He was talking about how I have missed deadlines for my art and writing. I was supposed to have the 12 Step Series repainted, but it’s taking longer than I had hoped. It’s amazing how my work has leveled up, at the same time the effort to get the work done is similar to trying to run in mud. 

Today I was so frustrated, because I kept choosing to work on other things, like, “I’ll do the dishes, and then paint.” Where are my priorities? 

The other issue was that I drifted away from working with God. This doesn’t work. With Him all the elements of your work come together and it is clear what steps to take and how your struggles have contributed to your work. 

So last night I made the decision to: 

  1. Step back and see the big picture. This includes my mental and physical health as well as God’s plan for me. 
  2. To move at God’s pace for me, and to write about the process. 

The answer to my therapist question was, both. I physically and mentally just can’t sometimes. And sometimes I feel such overwhelm that I am stress paralyzed.  

Here’s the thing, I’m not alone. I know that there are many who are experiencing the same thing. 

Let’s slow down, observe, and tap into God’s path for us, together. 

We will see small and great things happen. 

Because we are the masterpieces in the making.