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The Correct Mistakes

Forgive yourself. 

This is what I am hearing from God today. 

Forgive yourself for mistakes in your art Carin, it is the only path to improvement. There is nothing to be unsettled about, with your art. 

You are making the correct mistakes. 

You are making the correct mistakes to: 

  1. Understand yourself
  2. Your childhood
  3. Your needs
  4. And your fears 

The only way to improve is to make mistakes. 

Really, there is nothing to forgive when one makes a mistake. Of course the shame, regret, or guilt show up because society and Satan tell us, “If it’s not perfect, it’s not right.” 

Ask yourself, “If it’s imperfect, is it perfect for my learning?”

What have I learned today?

First off: 

  1. Our fears tell us where to forgive. 
  2. Looking at what we are afraid of can reveal doors we need to open, and release or rewrite stories that keep us frozen. 
  3. When we have new stories we are capable of unimaginable progress. 
  4. We are not to do this alone. Ask God to carry you and see who shows up to help. 

             What does this look like?

             Imagine you are afraid to express yourself. Go back through your life, identify the pattern that leads to this fear. Ask yourself if it is true that it is not safe to speak up? Can you remember a time when you could speak well, and it was received positively? Now ask yourself, “Is it safe to express myself?” “Could it be safe to express myself?” “How would it feel to express myself without fear?” 

              I invite you to keep moving forward, making essential mistakes, loving yourself, asking good questions, and welcoming God into your everyday decisions. This will create a daily pattern of love. 

              Live in love, fear not, you are a bright and brilliant being.